Southeast Chapter Elections
Make a difference by participating in the election of your local Southeast Chapter volunteers.
Elections are open – Those interested in running, please complete a consent to serve form by January 1, 2025.
The four positions open for election are:
Term: 2 years
Elected: Odd Years
Duties Outlined in Bylaws:
The Secretary shall record all votes and minutes of all proceedings. The Secretary shall record decisions of the Board, review minutes and assure distribution to the Board and membership. The Secretary shall communicate with the Board regarding execution of other secretarial duties. The Secretary shall serve as membership chairperson and shall oversee all membership records.
Duties Outlined by Policy:
- Maintain records of Board Conflict of Interest statements and notify the President of any potential conflicts prior to voting on issues that may be affected by potential conflicts.
- Submit a Budget Request form for anticipated expenses to the Treasurer at the Winter board meeting for incorporation into the budget proposal.
- The Board will twice a year, once at the Winter board meeting and again at the Annual Conference. Unless otherwise excused in advance by the President, attendance is mandatory.
- Prepare and send welcome letters to new graduates of regional WOC nursing education accredited programs (WOCNEP) and new SEC Chapter members of the WOCN Society.
Term: 2 years
Elected: Odd Years
Duties Outlined in Bylaws:
The Treasurer shall be responsible for the oversight of all transactions and reporting. The Treasurer shall be responsible for disbursing funds as approved by the President. The Treasurer shall be responsible for investing funds as directed by action of the Board. The Treasurer shall provide a written report on the financial condition of at all meetings of the Board and at other times when called upon by the President. The Treasurer’s records shall be reviewed by an independent accountant or accounting firm approved by the Board on a quarterly basis, when a Treasurer leaves office and as requested by the Board.
In addition, the Treasurer shall:
- Keep accurate records of all financial transactions
- Exercise all duties incident to the office of Treasurer
- Be bonded in an amount established by Board
- Continue to function as Treasurer while collaboratively working with newly elected Treasurer through the end of the fiscal year and to the point where the records are provided to the accountant for review.
Duties Outlined by Policy:
- Develop the annual budget and the conference budget.
- Present to the Board at the Winter board meeting for approval.
- Assist in direct audits of the funds of the SEC according to the funding source guidelines outlined in the Chapter agreement and generally accepted accounting principles.
- Submit a Budget Request form for anticipated expenses to the Treasurer at the Winter Board meeting for incorporation into the budget proposal.
- The Board will meet two times during the year, once at the Winter board meeting and again at the Annual Conference. Unless otherwise excused in advance by the President, attendance is mandatory.
- Obtain bonding for self and members of the Board.
Assure Association Management Company is protected by insurance or bonding.
Conference Planning & Education Coordinator (formerly Director of Conference Planning)
Term: 2 years
Elected: Odd Years
Duties Outlined in Bylaws:
The coordinator is a voting member of the Board. Duties of this office will be established by the Board and located in the Position-Specific Duties of the SEC of the WOCN Society Leadership document. The coordinator shall evaluate membership interests and develop strategic plans for the SEC of the WOCN Society. The coordinator facilitates communication between the members of the Chapter and Leadership.
Duties Outlined by Policy:
- Plays key role in activation and execution of Conference Disaster Plan in conjunction with President and association management representative.
- Submit a Budget Request form for anticipated committee expenses to the Treasurer at the Winter board meeting for incorporation into the budget proposal.
- The Board will meet twice a year, once at the Winter board meeting and again at the Annual Conference. Unless otherwise excused in advance by the President, attendance is mandatory.
- Liaison to Conference Planning committee to include support and guidance to Conference Chairperson.
- Maintain/revise conference planning manual annually as a guide for future Conference Chairpersons.
- Coordinates with the Association Management Company the securing of vendor support for regional conference. Serves as liaison between vendors, Association Management Company and the Board.
- Make recommendations to the Board regarding funding for upcoming conferences.
Chapter Liaison (formerly Director of Special Projects)
Term: 2 years
Elected: Odd Years
Duties Outlined in Bylaws:
The Chapter Liaison is a voting member of the Board. Duties of this office will be established by the Board and located in the Position-Specific Duties of the SEC of the WOCN Society Leadership document. The Chapter Liaison shall evaluate membership interests and develop strategic plans for the SEC of the WOCN Society. Facilitate communication between the members of the Chapter and Leadership.
Duties Outlined by Policy:
- Submit a Budget Request form for anticipated committee expenses to the Treasurer at the Winter board meeting for incorporation into the budget proposal.
- The Board will meet twice a year, once at the Winter board meeting and again at the Annual Conference. Unless otherwise excused in advance by the President, attendance is mandatory.
- Collaborates with and assists the Annual Conference Poster Chairperson.
- Coordinates the review and presents awards for the posters at the Annual Conference Poster Session.
- Participates in special projects in the interest of supporting the competent practice of wound/ostomy/continence and foot care.
- Acts as the channel communication between the Chapter and WOCN National.
- Serves as bylaw chairperson and is responsible for maintaining the bylaws.
- Serves as parliamentarian.
September 1: Open Board Positions and Consent to Serve Form posted
January 1: Consent to Serve forms due
January 15: Candidate Profiles Posted
February 1: Online Voting Opens
March 1: Online Voting Closes
June 2025: Election Results Announced at WOCNext in Orlando, FL
1. Your support allows for the Southeast Chapter of the WOCN Society to continue promoting high standards for all WOC nurses
2. Each Board member receives a stipend to cover expenses for winter board meeting and Conference
3. Leadership role provides PGP points toward re-certification
4. Chapter Offices can help you to prepare for National Office
5. Great networking
6. Become a valued member of the SEC of the WOCN Society Leadership Team
The Difference is You!
- No person may serve as a Director/Officer unless he or she has been a voting member of the Chapter and the WOCN Society for at least one year. In addition, a candidate for President-Elect should have served at least one year on the Chapter Board.
- Chapter members who are employed by a commercial industry that provides products or services as defined in the WOCN policy are eligible to serve on the Chapter Board of Directors (“Industry Director”), provided that no more than two (2) Industry Directors, each of whom must be from different companies, may serve on the Chapter Board at any time.
- Directors serve for a term of TWO (2) years from their election or appointment and may serve TWO (2) consecutive terms IN THE SAME OFFICE. In no event may any Director of the Chapter serve for more than ten (10) consecutive years.
- No member who is holding office as an Officer or Area Director on the WOCN Board of Directors may concurrently serve on the Chapter Board of Directors.
- The President-Elect automatically succeeds to the office of President at the end of his or her term as President-Elect.
- The term of office for each director shall begin on the first day of the calendar year following his or her election.
- Individuals aspiring to run for an open position(s) during annual elections can campaign. It’s important to understand that a nomination for an open position does not guarantee placement on the annual election ballot. The annual election ballot is subject to approval by the SEC Board of Directors.
- Members of the SEC of WOCN Society can campaign on behalf of nominees. Members of the SEC Board of Directors cannot campaign on behalf of any candidate.
- Candidates can campaign using their personal communication platforms, including but not limited to personal social media, email distribution lists, etc.
- No campaigning is allowed on any of the WOCN Society (national, chapter and/or local networking community) communication platforms, including but not limited to eblasts, forums, social media, etc.
- Membership lists (national, chapter, and/or local networking community) will not be provided to candidates.
Return to the main Southeast Chapter page to learn more.
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